Protectia has two new agents of Industrial Property

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Alvaro Gonzalez Lopez-Menchero and Rodrigo Sammut Linares have passed the bar examination of Official Agent of Industrial Property this year.

This is the aptitude test that certifies the necessary skills required for the professional activity of Industrial Property Agent.

Tests have been particularly severe in this call, this is the reason for having such a low number of approved: 266 candidates who took the exam, only 29 have passed the test.


Test consisits of three exams:

  • The first one about the knowledge of Industrial Property on national and international level: 73 themes divided in 4 different areas:
  1. First part: Inventions, Patents, Usability Models.
  2. Second part: distinctive signs.
  3. Third part: International Framework for the Protection of Industrial Property.
  4. Fourth part: SPTO – Administrative law.
  • The second exam: legal translations from Spanish to English and English to Spanish. Making both written translations of a text about industrial property, “without dictionary”, from Spanish to English and vice versa.
  • The third exam: two practical cases.
  1. First part: case study of inventions.
  2. Second part: case study of distinctive signs.

Among those presents, Protectia – Patents and Trademarks Agency is the only firm with two approved candidates.

Both titles come to reinforce the professional team of the office, and is a clear demonstration of our strong commitment to on-going training in order to provide the best service to our clients.

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