Popular Science Inventions of the year 2014

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As we are approaching the end of this year, we thought that might be interesting going on a curious “travel” among some of the 2014 best inventions.

That is why we choose for our “Patents world section” the following video, presenting a few of Popular Science’s picks for best inventions of 2014 for its annual “Invention Award”: the editors of popular magazine choose the most innovative new gadgets and ideas.

Collapsible helmet, charges gadgets and much more…:

As we lately focused our attention on transportation technology and bike-related new gadgets, one of the most interesting inventions shown in the video we would like to talk about is the portable bike helmet, Morpher.

Morpher folds & unfolds quickly and simply so it’s perfect for cyclists who want to carry a helmet more easily. Morpher has been designed to surpass all relevant safety standards and it is aimed at all cyclists but eventually planned to be used to other users of sports safety helmets . 

Besides, its components are completely recyclables.

Even as a prorotype, this collpasoble helmet has alreasy won 3 major International Innovation Awards:

  • Platinum Award at the British Invention of the Year awards, for the Best New Safety Product,
  • The Innova Special Award for the best new Transport Innovation,
  • Gold Award for the best Safety Innovation at Brussels Eureka.

The inventor of this innovative helmet is Jeff Woolf, English journalist, business man and innovation specialist. 

If you are curious about this successfull innovation, here you can find the world patent application: Collapsible Helmet.

collapsible helmet

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